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HD Toros - Basketball Philosophy

The HD Toros have rapidly ascended into one of the top youth basketball programs for player and team development in the San Antonio area since being established in 2007.


Our basketball program is based on a simple philosophy. We want to provide the young men in our program with the skills necessary to make their "hoop dreams" a reality while developing them into successful and responsible student athletes.  


An HD Toro basketball player is one who strives to be the best and represent the ideals of : teamwork, family, dedication, desire, sacrifice, heart, hustle, attitude, aptitude, and discipline. We believe these ideals mold TEAM basketball players within a successful program and in doing so achieve the higher goal of helping them to be better people.


We try to help our players understand that basketball is not something separate from their role in the community and that discipline must be exemplified both on and off the court at all times. In teaching these lessons we hope to give our players the skills essential for a successful life after high school, such as working together, supporting each other, and placing the welfare of the team ahead of self-interest.

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